Eastman™ plasticizers

Eastman's position on phthalates

The U.S. phthalates industry, represented by the Phthalate Esters Panel of the American Chemistry Council (ACC), is dedicated to the continued safe use of phthalates, a family of compounds primarily used to make vinyl plastics soft and flexible. Phthalates improve the performance and durability of many consumer products and play an important role in medical devices and building materials. With more than 50 years of use in consumer products, phthalates are among the most thoroughly studied families of compounds in the world and have been reviewed by multiple regulatory bodies in the United States and Europe.

Eastman is confident that the products it makes are safe for their intended uses and is committed to the continued research and development of these products as the industry and regulatory landscapes evolve. For the chemicals we manufacture, Eastman conducts its own toxicology testing and reviews and also participates in toxicology studies performed by industry trade associations and consortia to which we belong. Eastman is responsive to our customers' desire to have alternatives and has developed products that can be used as substitutes for traditional phthalates.

For additional information on phthalates, please visit the American Chemistry Council's web site at the links below. The ACC has various resources available to provide accurate and current information. For specific information regarding the Eastman family of plasticizers, please submit electronic inquiry, or call 1-800-EASTMAN.

Additional phthalates information
The American Chemistry Council has various resources available to provide accurate and current information. Visit the links below for more information.

 ACC Phthalates Information Center

 ACC Phthalate Ester Panel Q&A

 ACC Phthalate Ester Review of Health Research

 ACC Phthalate Ester Commissioned Review of the Swan Study

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