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7 Results Found - Showing 1 - 7
Butvar - B-72 
Butvar® B-72 is a thermoplastic, polyvinyl butyral resin which offers a unique combination of properties for coating or adhesive applications.

Product availability by region: North America

Butvar - B-74 
Butvar® B-74 is a thermoplastic, polyvinyl butyral resin which offers a unique combination of properties for coating or adhesive applications.

Product availability by region: North America

Butvar - B-76 
Butvar® B-76 is a thermoplastic, polyvinyl butyral resin that offers a unique combination of properties for coating or adhesive applications.

Product availability by region: Europe, Middle East, & Africa | Latin America | North America

Butvar - B-79 
Butvar® B-79 is a thermoplastic, polyvinyl butyral resin which offers a unique combination of properties for coating or adhesive applications.

Product availability by region: Europe, Middle East, & Africa | Latin America | North America

Butvar - B-90 
Butvar® B-90 is a thermoplastic, polyvinyl butyral resin which offers a unique combination of properties for coating or adhesive applications.

Product availability by region: Asia Pacific | Europe, Middle East, & Africa | Latin America | North America

Butvar - B-98 
Butvar® B-98 is a thermoplastic, polyvinyl butyral resin which offers a unique combination of properties for coating or adhesive applications.

Product availability by region: Europe, Middle East, & Africa | Latin America | North America

TEG-EH (Triethylene Glycol Bis (2-EthylHexanoate)) Plasticizer 
Eastman TEG-EH (Triethylene Glycol Bis (2-Ethylhexanoate)) plasticizer is usually blended with plasticizers in PVC. For PVB resins, Eastman TEG-EH offers low viscosity for ease of compounding and low color for excellent clarity in automotive and residential and commercial window applications.

Product availability by region: Asia Pacific | Europe, Middle East, & Africa | Latin America | North America

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