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6 Results Found - Showing 1 - 6
AIV - 2 Plus Na 
AIV® 2 Plus Na is a concentrated formic acid-based product, used for anaerobic preservation of silage and also to control growth of bacteria and yeasts in liquid feed and easily spoiled fresh feed.


AIV - 3 Plus Na 
AIV 3 Plus Na is a formic acid-based product used for pre-wilted silage (DM 25 - 45%) and crimping applications.


AIV - 2000 NC 
AIV 2000 NC is a formic acid based product recommended for pre-wilted silage, and crimping applications.


AIV - 2000 Plus Na 
AIV 2000 Plus Na is a formic acid based product recommended for pre-wilted silage, and crimping applications.


AIV - Ässä Na 
AIV® Ässä Na is an advanced formic acid-based product having a broad inhibitory effect on spoilage micro-organisms.


AIV - Via 
AIV® Via is a premixture of silage additives for several feed ensiling purposes where risks are related to porosity of ensiled material as well as moisture range favoring molds.


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