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Propcorn Feed LP2 NC 
Eastman Propcorn Feed LP2 NC is a non-corrosive propionic acid-based liquid product for aerobic preservation against molds in feedstuffs.


Propcorn Feed LP3 NC 
Eastman Propcorn Feed LP3 NC is a non-corrosive propionic acid-based liquid product for aerobic preservation against molds in feedstuffs.


Propcorn Feed LP4 NC 
Eastman Propcorn Feed LP4 NC has a strong anti- mold effect in the compound feeds and raw materials and helps to prevent formation of mycotoxins during storage


Propcorn NC 
Eastman™ Propcorn NC is a non-corrosive propionic acid-based product for aerobic preservation and for improved aerobic stability of crimped feeds and haylage.


Propcorn Plus 
Eastman Propcorn™ Plus is a highly concentrated, slightly buffered liquid blend of propionic acid and its ammonium salt for mold control in feedingstuffs and for improving aerobic stability after silo opening by controlling yeasts and molds.


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