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2 Results Found - Showing 1 - 2
Zendex DB-120 
Zendex™ DB-120 agricultural solvent is a non-VOC, high-boiling, nonpolar solvent. With good solvency for a wide range of chemical active ingredients, it is specifically designed for agriculture formulations. Zendex DB-120 is currently commercial in the United States, Brazil, Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Product availability by region: Europe, Middle East, & Africa | Latin America | North America

Zendex DB-300 
Eastman Zendex™ DB-300 agricultural solvent is a non-VOC, high-boiling, nonpolar solvent with good solvency for a wide range of agricultural chemical active ingredients, specifically designed for agricultural formulations.

Product availability by region: Latin America

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