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5 Results Found - Showing 1 - 5
MCS 352B 
MCS-352B is a viscous assembly lubricant for components and equipment designed to use Skydrol aviation hydraulic fluids. This product is only supplied through distributors. North America region inquiries can be directed to TBM and Europe region inquiries to Boeing Distribution Services. Both distributors are authorized to repackage and distribute MCS-352B within their respective regions. Refer to the distributor listing on www.Eastman.com/Aviation for their contact information.

Product availability by region: Asia Pacific | Europe, Middle East, & Africa | North America

Skydrol 5 
Skydrol 5 offers higher temperature capability than Type IV fluids, the lowest density, and better paint compatibility.

Product availability by region: Asia Pacific | Europe, Middle East, & Africa | Latin America | North America

Skydrol 500B-4 
Skydrol™ 500B-4 is the most worker friendly of the aviation phosphate esters; it is least irritating to skin and less prone to form mists which can be irritating to the respiratory tract .

Product availability by region: Asia Pacific | Europe, Middle East, & Africa | Latin America | North America

Skydrol LD-4 
Skydrol LD-4 features low density, excellent thermal stability, valve erosion prevention, and deposit control.

Product availability by region: Asia Pacific | Europe, Middle East, & Africa | Latin America | North America

Skydrol PE-5 
Skydrol PE-5 was developed to meet and exceed the more demanding Type V fluid requirements. It features the longest fluid life of any commercially available fluid, low density and low viscosity at low temperature.

Product availability by region: Asia Pacific | Europe, Middle East, & Africa | Latin America | North America

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