
Chemical Compatibility

Chemical resistance doesn’t mean the same thing for every electronic medical device application. Chemical attack from disinfectants, solvents, and other agents may take its toll immediately—or only after repeated exposure and everyday stress.

In all cases, chemical resistance improves durability by resisting aesthetic and functional changes following exposure to a chemical and stress. Such chemical attack catalyzes environmental stress cracking (ESC) and reduces rigidity, clarity, modulus, and Tg—as well as making a device predisposed to dynamic fatigue.

Cracking the code for device durability

Claiming chemical resistance for an opaque material doesn’t ensure device durability. Some materials offer compatibility with bleach and hydrogen peroxide but are susceptible to attack by isopropyl alcohol or Virex® Tb. Others offer poor or no chemical resistance properties against most medical disinfectant wipes.

You can break through the confusion with a critical evaluation of every candidate material:

  • Understand what is in the material—especially if it is an alloy or blend.
  • Understand its compatibility with popular disinfectants.
  • Demand test results to support your FDA registration.
  • Calculate the value of a material change for fulfilling service contracts.

A trusted supplier like Eastman understands your goals and is a reliable partner for problem solving. Eastman has the resources to ensure you have the material and technical support you need for durable polymer solutions in your electronic devices—from design to full commercialization and marketing.

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