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4 Results Found - Showing 1 - 4
Therminol FF (Flush Fluid) 
Therminol FF is the first synthetic flushing fluid for liquid phase heat transfer systems. Deposits from oxidized, thermally degraded or contaminated fluid can foul interior surfaces, making it necessary to clean the system prior to charging with new fluid.

Therminol VP-1 Heat Transfer Fluid 
Therminol VP-1 heat transfer fluid is an ultra-high temperature synthetic heat transfer fluid designed to meet the demanding requirements of vapor phase systems or liquid phase systems.

Therminol VP-3 Heat Transfer Fluid 
Therminol VP3 heat transfer fluid is a synthetic heat transfer fluid that was specially developed to allow vapor phase heat transfer at lower temperatures than are practical with traditional diphenyl oxide (DPO)/biphenyl constituted fluids like Therminol VP-1.

Therminol XP Heat Transfer Fluid 
Therminol XP heat transfer fluid is an extremely pure white mineral oil which provides reliable heat transfer.

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