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Santoflex 6PPD Pastilles


  • Conveyor belt - non-food contact
  • Polymer modification
  • Rubber modification
  • Tires
  • Water treatment industrial

Product description

<p>Chemical name: No(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine</br>Molecular weight: 268</p><p>Eastman Santoflex 6PPD functions as a powerful antioxidant and antiozonant for natural and synthetic elastomer compounds and as a synthetic polymer stabilizer. Santoflex 6PPD provides protection against fatigue degradation in both static and dynamic operating conditions.</p><p>Santoflex 6PPD is very effective as a polymerization inhibitor.</p><p>Santoflex 6PPD pastilles are sold in solid form which melts when heated above ~50°C.</p>

Product availability

If you are interested in learning more about product availability in your area, please complete the “Make an inquiry” form on this page.

If applicable, authorized distributors are in the regions listed below, with more details provided in the “Authorized distributors” section.

  • Asia Pacific

  • Europe, Middle East & Africa

  • Latin America

  • North America

Authorized distributors

Please select a region and country for a list of authorized distributors. If a country is not listed for a region, contact Eastman for further information.