Application guidance

BPA-NI Eastman Tetrashield™ protective resin systems help create interior and exterior coatings with a unique balance of durability and flexibility. To help ensure formulators get the best performance from Tetrashield resins, Eastman provides industry-leading technical service and starting point formulations.

Product Application/uses Application recommendation Downloads
Tetrashield MP2100

3-piece sanitary ends

3-piece bodies

Tetrashield MP2100 formulations are suitable for three-piece sanitary ends and bodies for both easy-to-hold and medium-aggressive foods and beverages. Tetrashield MP2100 can help impart desired properties for your specific formulation needs, including:

  • Chemical resistance
  • High solids
  • Flexibility

Starting point formulations
(white, clear, gold)

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Tetrashield MP2101

Interior caps and closures—food contact

EOE aluminum beverage cans

Tetrashield MP2101 formulations are designed for applications that require improved flexibility, such as easy-open end (EOE) applications or interior twist-off caps. Formulations require co-resin to achieve desired properties. Using Tetrashield MP2101 can help provide:

  • Chemical resistance
  • Toughness
  • High flexibility

Starting point formulations
(white, clear, gold)

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Tetrashield MP2103

Food contact interior caps and closures

3-piece bodies

EOE aluminum cans

Tetrashield MP2103 formulations are suitable for three-piece cans and bodies with sanitary or easy-open ends for hard-to-hold (HTH) foods and beverages. Resin provides improved formulation latitude:

  • High chemical resistance
  • High solids
  • High reactivity

Starting point formualtions
(white, clear, gold)

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Tetrashield MP2104

Food contact interior caps and closures

3-piece bodies

3-piece sanitary ends

Tetrashield MP2104 formulations provide versatility for three-piece cans and bodies with sanitary or easy-open ends for hard-to-hold (HTH) foods and beverages. Resin provides improved formulation latitude and is optimized for gold phenolic applications:

  • High chemical resistance
  • High flexibility
  • High reactivity

Starting point formualtions
(white, clear, gold)

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