
Growth regulators and stimulators

Eastman’s ready-to-use growth regulators and stimulators can be used for a variety of applications.  

Chlormequat chloride (CCC) is the worldwide standard for growth regulation in cereals, oilseed rape, ornamentals, and cotton. By modifying the plant hormone balance in cereal crops, the plant height is reduced and stem thickness is increased. As a result, the farmer has the potential to achieve a higher yield and a lower exposure to the risk of lodging during the crop cycle.

Adjust™ SL plant growth regulator

Adjust™ SL plant growth regulator is a chlormequat chloride formulation that offers improved performance and a wider window of application and is ideally suited to more extreme climate conditions. With this formulation, more farmers can benefit from the use of CCC and therefore upgrade their complete pest management programs. Adjust SL increases stem strength and reduces stem height, preventing lodging and the many risks and costs associated with it. Learn more about Adjust SL.


Eastman is serious about safety and committed to providing information and training on the correct, safe application of their plant growth regulators in addition to the standard application and safety information found on labels and technical data sheets.

Select a product below to learn more about Eastman’s ready-to-use growth regulators and stimulators.

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2 Results Found - Showing 1 - 2
Chlormequat Chloride (CCC) - 64% 
Chlormequat chloride 64% is a plant growth regulator inhibiting the action of the gibberellic acid, resulting in shortening and strengthening of stems in plants and reduced branching and foliage in certain species of shrubs and trees.

Chlormequat Chloride (CCC) - 66% 
Chlormequat chloride 66% is a plant growth regulator inhibiting the action of the gibberellic acid, resulting in shortening and strengthening of stems in plants and reduced branching and foliage in certain species of shrubs and trees.

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