
Household care

Above all else, consumers want cleaning products that work. Consider Eastman ingredients and intermediates when formulating your next breakthrough product to care for hard and soft surfaces throughout the home. A clean home can improve the health and safety of everyone living in it.

Fabric care

The fabrics in our home deserve special care. Bedding, towels, upholstery, and carpet all make our homes more comfortable, while our clothes make a personal statement. Eastman ingredients can help improve the performance of the formulations that clean and protect the textiles in our homes. More ...

Soaps and detergents

When the hard and soft surfaces in our homes need to be clean and fresh, surfactants do much of the work in household cleaning products. Eastman intermediates are used to make many of the high-performance surfactants that go into dish liquids, spray cleaners, laundry detergents, and fabric softeners household products that consumers use every day. More ...

Hard surfaces

Clean surfaces are important to protect the health and safety of the people and pets in our homes. Eastman ingredients can help make liquid cleaning products work harder to cut through common soils around the house, like greasy soils in the kitchen or mineral-based soils in the bathroom. More ...

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