By investing in Eastar Renew 6763, Pacur moves closer to meeting its sustainability goals and furthers innovation in the healthcare packaging industry

Eastman Eastar™ Renew 6763 copolyester is now used in Pacur sterile barrier medical device packaging. By formulating with Eastar Renew, Pacur is diverting plastic waste from landfills and making progress toward its sustainable innovation agenda. Eastar Renew copolyester is made possible through Eastman’s molecular recycling technologies, which break materials down to their basic molecular building blocks. They can then be used to create Eastar Renew with certified recycled content that is indistinguishable from legacy Eastar, so Pacur can maintain the same level of durability and safety while making progress toward a circular economy in the healthcare system. Read more here.

About Pacur

Founded in 1979, Pacur is a leading provider of custom sheet and rollstock based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and focused on innovative solutions for medical device packaging and specialty applications. For more information, visit

Media contact

Jacob Teetzmann